On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 11:55:31AM -0700, MB wrote:
> I am looking for anyone with working knowledge of pc/104 boards.  I have 
> a 486 board with no apparent video output, but with 10MB network, and 2 
> pcmcia card slots ( with wireless cards currently ).
> The board I have is VERY similar to:
> http://www.microcomputersystems.com/msi-cm486.pdf
> I tried emailing them, but go no response.
> I am looking for:
> 1. keyboard connection
> 2. serial port(s)
> 3. some way to just read/write the flash disk, and reset the root passwd

  Well the PDF you gave above says that the board has keyboard and
serial ports included... you will need to build your own connectors
to convert the pins into a standard cable.

  If you connect up a pc/104 VGA card to the device you will be able 
to see the console output on bootup... maybe someone here has a video

  Also if you build a serial connector is is possible that the linux
system has one of the two serial devices configured as the console,
hooking that machine up to a desktop over a null-modem and seeing what 
you get would be a good idea.

  Have you confirmed the board you have is really from
microcomputersystems?  or could it be from some other vendor?

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