On Wednesday 11 June 2003 02:54 pm, Mike Simons wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 04:00:06PM -0500, Jay Strauss wrote:
> > Found  HTML::TableContentParser which does some of the heavy lifting for
> > me playing with it now
> >
> > > http://quote.cboe.com/QuoteTable.asp?TICKER=qqq&ALL=2
> > >
> > > It seems like there would be a cpan thing to read in a string (html),
> > > then would let me navigate.  That is, give me the third table, give me
> > > the first row, give me the first table data
>   save the html into a file with wget, then feed that as an argument to
> the perl below... if you want the calls and puts broken into separate
> arrays or into hashes it should be easy from here.

Silly question, why not open the wget in the open call ?  Ie:

open FOOF, "wget -q -O - <url> |"; 
while (<FOOF>) { 
$file .= $_;
$_ = $file; 

I realize using something fun like LWP would be better, but this would be the 
poor mans way of doing it I would think...


Mike Wenk
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