On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 10:44:52PM -0700, Ryan Castellucci wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Friday 13 June 2003 10:24 pm, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> > I just installed Debian 3.0r1 onto my ancient (5 years old!) Gateway
> > Solo 2500 laptop computer.  Now, I like having X and GNOME as options
> > for when I'm using this computer, but since the display looks pretty
> > crappy, I'd prefer to do everything via the console.  What run level do
> > I set the default to on inittab so that it won't start X automatically?
> 3

Err... Last I saw, Debian didn't do the "3=console, 5=graphics" initlevels
like RedHat and other distros did.

All you need to do is get rid of the "S99gdm" or somesuch inside your
/etc/rc2.d/ directory.

It's been a while since I fooled with any of this (since I use KDE via KDM,
and it works just fine :^) ), but there's probably a "Debian way" of
configuring this.

Perhaps a "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" or some-such???


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