On 16 Jun 2003, Richard S. Crawford wrote:

> I get this error whenever I launch my new Debian laptop (a Gateway Solo
> 2500, about 5 years old, with 96 MB RAM, 4 GB hard drive, 300 MHz Intel
> Celeron chip).  Specifically, I get a series of error messages about the
> usage of getty before I get the error message:
> Init: Id "S" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> And, of course, after 5 minutes, I get the same display again, which is
> really annoying when I'm in the middle of doing something on this
> computer.  I only see the messages when I'm in console mode, not when
> I'm running X.  But since X looks so god-awful on this computer, I would
> much rather run it in console mode.
> What could be causing this error?

This behavior is because init is trying to start something that is failing
immediately.  One cause of such errors can be a missing serial port,
because attempting to start a getty on a nonfunctional tty device will
fail immediately.

You need to fix your inittab file. ("man inittab")

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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