--On Tuesday, July 01, 2003 16:41:08 -0700 Jim Angstadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 20, )
        || die "Cannot create new LWP UserAgent: $! \n";
  my $req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url )
        || die "Cannot create LWP Request: $! \n";
  $ua->request($req, \&callback, $block )
        || die "Cannot request data: $! \n";

First of all, these lines are better written using "or" instead of "||". A line like

$var = foo() || die "...";

is interpreted as

$var = (foo() || die "...");

due to operator precedence. I don't think it matters here, but it's a bad habit to get into.

  sub callback
        my ($html, $response, $protocol ) = @_;
        $html =~ s/^<html>.*Synopsis//;
        print LOG "\n\t html: \n $html \n";
        my @tr = $html =~ /<tr>.*?<\/tr>/gis;
        print LOG "\t Table rows: \n", join("\n", @tr),

The code gets delivered in chunks, so the print
statements are repeated.  Setting $block to 50k
(bigger than the page) did not help.

I've never really worked with LWP, but according to the manual you can just do:

        my $response = $ua->request($req) or die ...;
        print $response->content;

$response is a HTTP::Response object, with a method called "content" that returns the content of the response.

Alternately using the callback method, something like this would collect the content in a local variable:

        my $html = '';
        sub callback { $html .= $_[0] }
        $ua->request($req, \&callback, $block ) or die...;
        print $html;    # Contains the response content

-- Kenneth Herron [EMAIL PROTECTED] 916-366-7338 _______________________________________________ vox-tech mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.lugod.org/mailman/listinfo/vox-tech

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