The best tutorial (for me, at least) for set up of iptables is at:


Explaination of everything is there, should you need it.

Hope it helps,


--- Michael J Wenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a networking question.  I have a linux server(AMD Athlon 900)
> with 2 NICs in it now.  It is currently used as a network firewall/NAT
> server.  I have a spare hub(it may even be a switch) laying around, and
> I am thinking of segmenting my network.  I have several game systems I
> want to put up on my network.  I can do it in the current config, yes,
> but I may want to restrict the NAT/filter config a bit more.  I am also
> wanting to put in a tivo, and while it probably doesn't put much of a
> load on the net, if it ever does, it would be nice if that was sheltered
> from my other systems.  So, what I plan on doing is throwing a third PCI
> NIC in my system(I should have space, if not bye bye mr sound card) and
> using that for my new segment.  I'll then NAT that segment as well, but
> with a stronger configuration(probably the only ports that will be open
> will be ones that need to be opened with everything else locked down
> tight)  So my question is, does anyone out there have experience in
> running a config like this, and if so are there any gotchyas?  I haven't
> done much research in this yet, and I am planning on probably doing this
> this weekend some time.  
> Mike
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