hi all,

first off, my samba works fine.  i can print, browse, share printers,
and whatever between linux and windows.  samba runs from inetd.conf
since windows is hardly ever booted.

i'm having woes upgrading, removing and installing samba because the
file /etc/samba/debian_config is not on my system.  after googling, i've
found that this file tells debian whether samba runs from startup
scripts or inetd, but this file isn't on my system and i can't find the
format of this file anywhere.

i thought this might write /etc/samba/debian_config:

   dpkg-reconfigure samba

but all it does is...

   satan# dpkg-reconfigure samba
   The file /etc/samba/debian_config does not exist! There is something
   wrong with the installation of Samba on this system. Please re-install
   Samba. I can't continue!!!
   invoke-rc.d: initscript samba, action "stop" failed.

this problem also was holding back other package upgrades since apt-get
errors out; i resolved that problem by removing and reinstalling the
samba package.

now everything seems normal, except "dpkg-reconfigure samba" and this:

   satan# /etc/init.d/samba stop
   The file /etc/samba/debian_config does not exist! There is something
   wrong with the installation of Samba on this system. Please re-install
   Samba. I can't continue!!!

samba works fine, so i'm not worried.  but i'd like to resolve these

can someone send me the contents of this file?


ps- is there a way to download bug reports so i can grep through them?
reportbug is great, but once you get more than, say, 15 bugs for a
package, it gets very tedious going through them all.

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