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On Wednesday 08 October 2003 10:05 pm, Henry House wrote:
> The manual page for xmodmap lists the following example (exact quote):
>       !
>       ! Swap Caps_Lock and Control_L
>       !
>       remove Lock = Caps_Lock
>       remove Control = Control_L
>       keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
>       keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
>       add Lock = Caps_Lock
>       add Control = Control_L
> which is said to turn the left caps lock key into a control key and the
> left control key into a caps lock key. It does not work. On my system,
> running the above commands (saved to a file, then run using 'xmodmap
> <filename>') turns the left control key into a shift key (!) and has no
> effect on the caps lock key. Neither xmodmap nor the x server print any
> errors or other messages. Does anyone have a suggestion? My XFree86 config
> file follows.

When I was doing this, I had it like so.....

clear Lock
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
remove Control = Control_L
keycode  66 = Control_L
keycode  37 = Caps_Lock
!Uncomment this to make caps lock work. As-is, it only sends the keysym
!add Lock = Caps_Lock
add Control = Control_L

I've also got....

keycode 117 = Multi_key

That makes the menu key work as compose....

This means I can type thing like "5¼ Floppy Disk", "café," "Übergeek", 
"Fußball" and what not....

- -- 
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