On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 10:56:37AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> sam, just so i have some extra lingo, what are some other "container
> formats" besides AVI?

Quicktime is another one. The Quicktime spec just defines where to store
video and audio data within the file, but the spec doesn't define which
codec(s) to use. 

This is why my older mplayer can only play some Quicktime movies. Some
of them use Sorenson video codec v3, for which mplayer's support is new.
Others use stuff like Sorenson v2, MPEG-2, etc. 
> also, sometimes i see people write "DivX ;-)".  what exactly does that
> smiley face mean?  and what exactly is DivX anyhow?

DivX ;-) is another video codec. The smiley is there to distinguish it
from DIVX, which was some harebrained, now-defunct scheme by Circuit
City (IIRC) for pay-per-view DVDs. 

Samuel Merritt
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