On Sat, Oct 18, 2003 at 10:21:07AM -0700, Mark Liechty wrote:
> The participants in the LUGOD lists are a pretty smart bunch who have
> probably spent more time on this thread than the problem is worth.  The fact
> is that if you post illegal information at this time in out technical
> history you,IMHO, deserve to be strung up.

Hehe... The phrase "illegal information" gives me a bad taste in my mouth.
But, OTOH, I'm actually _afraid_ of the government these days.
Never before had I been.  (Maybe I just wasn't paying attention... maybe
all those X-Files finally sunk in?)

> As I recall, this thread was started by someone who sent Bill a nasty
> message.

To breifly summarize _that_ story, the person had pointed out a number
of posts THEY made to our archives when they first sent their complaint.
I thought "okay, no reason to yell at me... so you didn't realize your
posts would be archived!"  Later, however, they explained that they were
upset about someone ELSE's disparaging comments about them, that were
posted elsewhere. (e.g., they complained about one thing, but gave
evidence that had nothing to do with it :^) )

Anyway, that's all done and over with.

And I do agree, although it'd be a neat technical hack to get
X-No-Archive to inherit in posts and archives, it's _so_ easy to
break (not just purposefully, but due to stupid e-mail apps breaking
threading), that it doesn't make sense to even worry about it.

Don't want it put online somewhere?  Don't tell it to anyone who has
access to a computer. ;^) ;^)

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