On Mon 03 Nov 03,  8:59 AM, Mitch Patenaude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> To be more general, you should escape the *, and then it gets passed
> to the remote scp, which is smart enough to handle it (it actually uses
> the shell on the remote machine to do the globbing.)
> If you're using older shells (real bourne shell, csh, etc.) then the
> unescaped * will cause an error (unless you 'set noglob' in csh).
> Bash is smart enough to realize that if no local globbing works, that
> it should just be passed on to the underlying program,

i didn't know that, but it's consistent in what i see with scp.

so if i have "backup.*" in my local directoy, my example wouldn't work?
i'll check that out.

thank you!

> for instance:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mrp]$ echo frobble*
> frobble*
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mrp]$ echo f*
> fern.jpg ffjuser30 flash forAudrey forte4j fun
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mrp]$ csh
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ echo frobble*
> echo: No match.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ set noglob
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ echo frobble*
> frobble*
> Thus endeth the unix history lesson :-)
>   -- Mitch
> On Monday, Nov 3, 2003, at 08:37 US/Pacific, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >i've always wondered about this...
> >
> >if i have a bunch of files on a remote host beginning with "backup", i
> >can copy them to the local host using:
> >
> >   scp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:backup* .
> >
> >and it works.  but why?  doesn't the shell get to "*" first?  i'd
> >understand this working:
> >
> >   scp '[EMAIL PROTECTED]:backup*' .
> >
> >but why does scp see the asterisk in the unquoted version?
> >
> >pete

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