setting up the pserver can be tricky.  in fact, remote cvs
authentication can be tricky.  one of the bad things about cvs, which
will hopefully be improved by subversion.

here's what i use for inetd:

cvspserver stream tcp nowait.20 root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/cvs-pserver

two things:

1) nowait.20
2) i wrap cvs-pserver with tcpd (and you should too).

you might want to consider the ssh authentication method.   it's more
secure, and may or may not be more convenient (it's hard to say).  the
worst thing about it is that the person _must_ have a local account
(where with pserver they don't need a local system account.  just a
pserver account).  but you can cook things up so that they can't log in
to you system --- they can just run cvs commands remotely.

i recently moved from pserver to ssh authenticated cvs myself.


On Wed 10 Dec 03,  9:50 AM, Richard Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> I'm trying to get cvspserver running on my system (RH 8).  I added this
> line to my /etc/xinetd.conf file:
> cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/cvs cvs
> --allow-root=/usr/local/cvs pserver
> then issued:
> # /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
> ...which seemed to work okay.
> Then I tried to check my e-mail, which I do with SquirrelMail... and when
> I did so, I got a ton of fputs() errors delivered up to my screen.
> So I removed the line from xinetd.conf and restarted xinetd, then
> restarted httpd, and things worked fine again.
> I tried inserting the line into xinetd.conf again, restarting xinetd and
> then immediately restarting httpd, but got the same errors.
> I've checked _Open Source Development with CVS_ and a few websites that I
> Googled on cvspserver and xinetd, and I'm pretty sure I haven't messed up
> anything.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Sláinte,
> Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)
> Howard Dean for America:
> "I really didn't realize the librarians were, you know, such a dangerous
> group. They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the
> desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man.
> I wouldn't mess with them."
> --Michael Moore
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