On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 01:27:06AM -0800, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Their site has details, at their new domain name:  http://www.sacdev.org/

Checking out this site under Konqueror, I always wondered where the heck
the _content_ was to this site, esp. since it now hints that there's so much.

I finally fired it up under Firebird, and see that I've been missing some
set of navigation links at the top, under the "SACDEV" logo
("Home  Members Home  Events  Message Board  The Wiki  Job Board  Contact")

Under Konqueror, I ONLY see the "Help | Logoff" links at the top right.

Checking out the HTML source, I see this (made to look nice in email):

<td align="left" bgColor="#333333" height="20">
  <span id="Banner_ctlMenu" BackColor="#333333" IconBackgroundColor="#333333"
        HlColor="#656C85" ShColor="#404040" SelForeColor="White"
        SelColor="#656C85" SelBorderColor="#656C85"
        FontStyle="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica; [...snip...]"
        Display="horizontal" MenuBarHeight="16" MenuItemHeight="21"
        IconWidth="15" MOutDelay="500" MenuTransition="None" BorderWidth="0"
        ArrowImage="breadcrumb.gif" RootArrowImage="menu_down.gif"
          <menuitem id=&quot;1&quot; title=&quot;Home&quot;
            lefthtml=&quot;&amp;lt;img alt=&amp;quot;*&amp;quot;
            src=&amp;quot;/images/breadcrumb.gif&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&quot; />
          [...other 'menuitem' tags...]

Whatintheheck!?  I guess maybe I'm getting rusty, but is this some XML
magic that Firebird knows how to deal with, but Konq (and other browsers,
I presume) would just skip?

(Waiting for Micah to speak up, as usual ;^) )

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