On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, William Perdue wrote:

> It's my first time setting up a DNS server and I bought a book to help..... 
> in the line
> @       IN      SOA     @ root.localhost (
> is the "root.localhost" part where you would you replace that with the name 
> of the DNS server?

Syntax questions are usually the easiest to answer by reading
documentation.  In this case, you need to think along the lines of "what
goes in the second spot after the IN SOA record type."  Be sure you also
understand what goes in the first spot, too. :)

The short answer is: no.

A slightly longer answer is: "root.localhost" in this position designates
the email address of the technical contact for this SOA, replacing the
first dot with an "@" sign (which is a reserved character in this

One comment on messing with DNS: Try to understand the examples your book
is giving within the context in which they are supposed to work ... try
not to approach this with a cookbook attitude.  Your use of the term "the
DNS server" suggests that you may still be in cookbook mode.  Your
real-life situation is likely to be rather different than their
examples. :)

> and then there's a
> ; servers
> atlas   IN      A
> www     CNAME   atlas
> is the "atlas" part the name of the server your hosting? and does the "www" 
> "CNAME" and "atlas" part is  the www the extention for the beginning like 
> in www.bob.net or talk.whatever.org?

dns names that don't end in a period are assumed to have the current zone
appended to them, so writing

  www     CNAME   atlas

is like writing

  www.thisdomain.com.     CNAME   atlas.thisdomain.com.

if @ represents thisdomain.com.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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