I just set up Debian on an old laptop with the intent of using it as a
server for certain files.  I'm having a debil of a time getting Samba to
work, though.

Here is smb.conf:

lucien:/etc/samba# cat smb.conf
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2004/01/25 23:03:06
# Global parameters
        workgroup = MY_WORKGROUP
        netbios name = LUCIEN
        server string = Library Server
        security = SHARE
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        obey pam restrictions = Yes
        pam password change = Yes
        passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd
        passwd chat = *New*password* %n\n *Retype*new*password* %n\n
        unix password sync = Yes
        log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
        max log size = 0
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
        dns proxy = No
        comment = Readerware Server
        path = /opt/library
        force group = crawford
        read only = No
        create mask = 0777
        force create mode = 0777
        directory mask = 0777
        guest ok = Yes
        hide dot files = No

As you can see, I've got SWAT working just fine.  I don't have X working
on this computer, but I can access SWAT from another computer on the
network.  I can testparm just fine, with no errors.  I can execute
smbclient on Lucien with no errors.:

lucien:/etc/samba# smbclient -L lucien
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Domain=[STONEGOOSE] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.2.3a-12.3 for Debian]
        Sharename      Type      Comment
        ---------      ----      -------
        Library        Disk      Readerware Server
        IPC$           IPC       IPC Service (Library Server)
        ADMIN$         Disk      IPC Service (Library Server)
        Server               Comment
        ---------            -------
        HAGRID               File Server
        LUCIEN               Library Server
        Workgroup            Master
        ---------            -------
        MY_WORKGROUP         HAGRID

I can ping Lucien with no problems, I can telnet to port 139 on Lucien. 
I have confirmed that both smbd and nmbd are running.  Running netstat
-a, I get...

lucien:/etc/samba# netstat -a
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address        
tcp        0      0       seamus:45149           
tcp        0      0 *:netbios-ssn           *:*                    
tcp        0      0 *:swat                  *:*                    
tcp        0      0      hagrid:ssh             
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                    
tcp        0      0 *:smtp                  *:*                    
tcp        0      0 *:time                  *:*                    
tcp        0      0 *:daytime               *:*                    
tcp        0      0 *:discard               *:*                    
udp        0      0 *:*
udp        0      0 *:*
udp        0      0 *:netbios-dgm           *:*
udp        0      0 *:netbios-ns            *:*
udp        0      0 *:bootpc                *:*
udp        0      0 *:discard               *:*
raw        0      0 *:icmp                  *:*                     7
raw        0      0 *:tcp                   *:*                     7
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
unix  6      [ ]         DGRAM                    82     /dev/log
unix  1      [ W ]       STREAM     CONNECTED     10275
unix  1      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     10274
unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    10224
unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    6171
unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    6159
unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    4023
unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    3983
unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    86

...which seems right to me.

But when I try to browse to Lucien through Windows Network, I can't see
the Library share.  I should say that I have another server with Samba
running in this network (Hagrid) and I can browse there just fine... and
the smb.conf files are mostly identical on both servers (with the
appropriate differences for the servers, of course).

Anyone got any ideas?

Richard S. Crawford
AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
Howard Dean for America: http://www.deanforamerica.com
http://www.mossroot.com http://www.stonegoose.com
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