Quoting Bill Kendrick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Man, I just had fun(tm) getting this new box I bought from Mark
> Breitung working. :^)  It's got a rather old network card, which
> happens to have three connectors on it (10BaseT, the RJ45 style we're
> all used to these days, as well as BNC and something that looks kinda
> like a joystick or MIDI port.. AUI, I think it's called?)  It's a 3COM
> Etherlink III '3c509(b)' card.
> It seemed the EEPROM was set to make the thing always try and use the
> BNC connector, so I was never able to get onto my network.  

I used to really love those old cards, and still have a big pile of them.
They're still quite useful, especially on cards that will be mostly
talking to the Internet.  (E.g., your mail server has a 1.54 Mbps T-1
line to itself?  Cool.  But why does it need a NIC faster than 10 Mbps?)

So, I maintain a bunch of the administrative tools for both Linux (C and
ELF) and MS-DOS.  The DOS ones I extracted from the relevant 3Com
Etherdisk image.


The DOS one will verify that your settings of IRQ and IO base address
don't conflict with anything else.  Handy.  Usually, IRQ 10 and I/O base
address 300h are ideal, though.  Among other things, autoprobing
software seems most likely to look for them there.

Cheers,             We write precisely            We say exactly
Rick Moen           Since such is our habit in    How to do a thing or how
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Talking to machines;          Every detail works.
Excerpt from Prof. Touretzky's decss-haiku.txt @ http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/
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