On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 07:55:29AM -0800, MB wrote:
> Bill,
> I can give you a PCI nic if you would like.... It sounds like it would 
> make things a lot easier for you.  I just stuck that old nic in there 
> because I had it lying around.

Wha!?  After all that hard work!? :)  Heheh

Nah, I've got it working... I'm proud that I figured it out.
While I wish it hadn't taken as long[*], I'm glad for the learning experience.
I'm becoming less baffled-by and scared-of PC hardware as I do stuff like

Thanks for the offer, though. ;)


[*] Mostly took so long because every time I had to Google for info, I had
    to run upstairs to my computer.  My dad's PC is currently stealing the
    ethernet line that usually goes to my wireless access point. ;)
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