On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 09:15:03PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> On Tue 10 Feb 04,  6:40 PM, Bill Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 03:58:38PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > > i'm teaching a few classes and keep my scores/averages in gnumeric
> > > spreadsheet (which i can convert to openoffice of course).  i want to
> > > have some kind of site where my students can log in using their SSN and
> > > perhaps a password and be able to look at how they're doing.
> > 
> > OpenOffice.org 1.1 has PDF export capabilities.  Maybe that'll work...?
> i assume that would export a whole page?  probably not a good idea for
> class grades.  :-)

Ah, I didn't know if that's what you wanted or not.

When I was in CS, some of our profs would post the entire classes grades,
and the way to tell which was yours was based on some simple algorithm you
ran on your SSN (hopefully since then, they've changed from using SSNs to
some other unique IDs for college students).

So if my SSN was AAA-BB-CCCC, I'd do some math and end up with WXYZ.
Unless someone else knew my SSN, they wouldn't be able to figure out
the 'WXYZ' code, and couldn't tell which was my grade.

Sounds like you're including names or important numbers, so yeah,
dumping the whole sheet PROBABLY wouldn't do it. ;)

Have you considered using a database with a web front-end?
*ducks for cover* ;^)

> > Export as tab-delim'd first? ;)
> hmmm... maybe.  i had already considered parsing XML output, but was
> hoping to get something higher level.  i guess i have a better shot at
> cooking up something to parse tab delimited files in under 60 minutes
> than i do XML data (which i've never worked on).  maybe tab delimited
> and php wouldn't be a bad idea, although i admit i was hoping for
> something a bit higher level.

The Perl or PHP "split()" style stuff is perfect for this. ;)

> unfortunately, i don't have time to hack right now.  if anything, i kind
> of need to just plug in and use...

How much ya offering?  Post to vox-jobs


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