On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 09:34:05AM -0800, Robert G. Scofield wrote:
> /dev/hda1            /mnt/windows         vfat       umask=0               0 0

Order is only really important in mounts at boot time, and since you're not
mounting this partition at boot, it's not important where it appears in the

The order is really imporant only if you have nested mounts.  That is, if
/usr and /usr/local are separate paritions, you want /usr to mount first,
and therefore it should appear first in the list. / is a special case,
since it's not mounted by the same process.. but before the main boot
sequence (though in some older *nix systems it was mounted read-only
initially, and had to be remounted after some initial processing.)

I don't know what the appropriate mounting options are.. but there's a good
list of them in the mount man page.  The ones you have seem fine.  Maybe this:

/dev/hda1       /mnt/windows    vfaT    rw,umask=0,user,auto    0 0

  -- Mitch

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