The mouse issue can be one of several problems.  We can solve the mouse
issue at the next IF.  I'll be attending, and I'll even help Jungmee in
Korean... =P

PINE probably wasn't installed at the IF because the Washington State
University license doesn't allow binary distribution of PINE.  If someone
brings the sources or an RPM we can install it at the next IF.

I'm not even gonna touch on the modem issue.  If Jungmee wants a good
Linux modem support, I suggest getting a PCMCIA modem.  I got one with my
laptop that works excellently, and I hope they still sell some solid ones
in the market.

If Jungmee needs these things before the next IF, we can try to guide
him/her through some things, but first s/he should get a PCMCIA modem, so
the laptop can get some Internet access and download PINE.

Seth - What's up with the mouse?  Seems like a simple enough problem to
fix, but you could probably tackle this faster since you were at the IF.


On Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Bill Kendrick wrote:

> (Note: This was in vox-tech's queue, since Jungmee didn't seem to be
> subscribed to the list when posting this; still might not be.  So I'm Cc'ing)
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 08:29:16PM -0800, Jungmee Kim wrote:
> >
> > My hard drive has been partitioned at the Installfest, and it now has
> > Window XP and Fedora Core 1.
> >
> > My issues are,
> >
> > 1)  From the Linux OS, I cannot excess the internet.
> I wasn't at the IF, so I don't know the details of your setup.
> Are you trying to access via dialup (modem) or DSL?
> Directly on DSL, or on a LAN (e.g., DSL modem -> Router -> multiple computers)
> > 2)  so, I cannot use "PINE"  I need PINE to send my files electronically
> > to my email account, so I can do work at school and home (because I don't
> > have a printer).
> Can we assume Pine /works/?  It just can't send messages onto the Internet
> because of problem #1?  Or is there anything else wrong with it? ;^)
> > 3)  My 'touch pad' doesn't work under Linux.
> Is this a touchpad, like the 'mouse' interface on some laptops?
> Or more like a tablet that you use a stylus on (e.g., a Wacom pad?)
> I'd be surprised if it's your mouse, as that would be a pretty hard
> thing to miss at an IF, unless time was running out and you had to pack
> up with whatever was done, without testing. :^)
> Or, I guess maybe you could have had an external mouse (or maybe you have
> a laptop that has BOTH a little nubby mouse control thing, AND a touchpad...
> I've seen those recelt.y)
> > To solve issue #2, I decided to buy an external A drive, but I don't
> > think it will work on Linux in the current situation.
> Ah, yes, sounding more like a laptop. :^)  I'm not sure how external laptop
> drives are handled (under Linux _or_ Windows). :^(
> Is it possible to get your files onto your Windows paritition, and then
> use Windows to upload them once they're there?  (Unfortunately, I don't
> think Windows can read Linux partitions... however, Linux can read and
> write Windows parititions, although I've heard lots of dire warnings about
> writing to NTFS, which I guess might be used on WinNT, Win2K and WinXP..right?)
> That could be an interim solution, until you can get network and/or the
> external floppy drive working.
> Good luck!
> -bill!

Mark K. Kim
AIM: markus kimius
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