On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 09:23:28AM -0800, Matt Roper wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 01:10:35AM -0500, Mike Simons wrote:
> ...
> > If you want to do this, edit the sources.list change all "stable" or
> > "woody" words to "testing"... comment out security... you should get a
> ...
> Why would you comment out security?  Testing has a security repository
> and you should definitely keep it enabled; unstable is the branch that
> doesn't have one since packages with security fixes go directly into
> unstable without a delay.
> Also, if you plan to keep your machine tracking 'sarge' after sarge
> become stable, you might want to use "sarge" instead of "testing" in
> your sources.list lines -- at the moment they both point to the same
> thing, but when the big switch happens, this will keep you on sarge
> instead of the new testing branch.

Correct on both points.  
Testing does have security... and should be used.
Using the name "sarge" should be safer for when the release happens.

The machine I was using as a reference for the email was on testing had 
security commented out, now that I think about it it was done on that
machine from that period when security was down, and I still wanted to 
get updates.
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