On Thu 04 Mar 04,  3:10 PM, Mike Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 10:46:13AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > On Thu 04 Mar 04,  1:46 PM, Mike Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > > I'm looking for a way to:
> > >   generate good looking Tables,
> > >   from a Text file source,
> > >   which allows easy Colorization of rows, columns, or single elements
> > >   that outputs a common image format (PNG) or PDF.
> >
> > do you know latex?  i produce nice slides with latex, and you can do it
> > in color.
> I don't know it  and never did.  
> Learned, used, and forgot _bits_ of latex a few times already.
> So it shouldn't be impossible to pickup before Monday.
> > it has no "import" routine, but vim and perl is usually all i need.
> I'm beginning to understand that it would be best to pickup enough latex to
> generate the tables I'm after.
> There are some excellent intro documents on latex at:
>   http://www.tug.org/tutorials/tugindia/
> So my mystery is how to align of columns based on decimal point...
> without lame tricks like "[r.l] ... 123 & 12" to create "123.12" 
> (create two columns one right justified, a '.', and one left justified)

yeah -- for people who are really proficient at a powerful text editor
like vim and scripting languages, we can do stuff like this faster with
latex than anyone else with a GUI system.  plus, latex *always* looks
better than any GUI thing i've ever seen.

if you want to really learn latex, i recommend you read leslie lamport's
book.  it's cheap, short, and fast reading.

then get the "latex companion" for a reference.  it's the ultimate
reference book, and is much higher level.  not meant to be read.  meant
to be used to look up stuff.

as for lining up the numbers, is this what you want?


comp.text.tex is one of the single BEST newsgroups i've ever seen.  it's
quite amazing.  the poster child for usenet.  and has a nearly 0 noise
to signal ratio...


Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler.  -- Albert Einstein
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