I have some source files that depend on some other sources' headers.

In turn, some of THOSE headers depend on other headers (e.g., a header
defining a structure might depend on another header that defines some other

Is it useful to list these 'dependencies' within the Makefile?

For example, consider foo.c:

  /* foo.c
     I do foo things */

  #include "foo.h"  /* My header */
  #include "bar.h"  /* bar.c's header, so I can get to its function(s) and/or
                       typedefs... */


In Makefile, I'd do:

  foo.o:  foo.c foo.h bar.h
          ...compile foo.c into foo.o...

However, say in "bar.h", I have:

  /* bar.h
     I do things with alcohol (get it? "bar?" hahaha...) */

  #include "bar.h"  /* My header */
  #include "zzz.h"  /* Contains some #define's for compile-time options */


Should I make "bar.h" depend on "zzz.h"?  Or "foo.o" depend on it?  Or...?

I just want to make sure that in case I touch something somewhere, that
everybody who needs to get update GETS updated.


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