Anyone here have luck with X11 Cursor Themes?  I discovered the concept over
at last night, and started fooling with them.
However, I had no luck.

I discovered it's an X-Window feature available in XFree86 4.3.0 and above,
so I upgraded (found an apt-source with a Woody backport, and upgraded

However, no workie. :^(  I've got a Voodoo 3 2000 card, and no references
to either SWCursor or HWCursor in the XF86Config-4 file.  I tried 'installing'
the cursors into my account in the following ways:

  ~/.icons/default/index.theme   (contains "[Icon Theme]" and "Inherits=Blue")
  ~/.icons/Blue/cursors/         (contains all of the cursor files...)

As well as doing that and sticking a ref. to the cursor in my ~/.Xdefaults

I'm using KDE 3.2.0, if that matters (sounds like it doesn't, from what
I heard on #kde).  And, of course, I restarted X... many times. :)

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