On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 03:47:48PM -0800, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
> Maybe what you want is lufs (which I mentioned in passing earlier in 
> this thread).  Read about it here: 
> http://lufs.sourceforge.net/lufs/intro.html.

Cool.  Similar to kio-fish under KDE (e.g., let Konq or other KDE apps
see files on a remote system, using only SSH).

Good to see there's a lower-level way of doing it (e.g., for non-KDE apps ;) )

> With regarding to cd burning, you could "mount" a folder residing on 
> your "local computer" on the "computer next to you".  Then K3B, which 
> executes on the computer next to you, could see that folder.


I should experiment.  Ah, but to find the time to.  Really, I should just
burn that darned Knoppix ISO we dl'd a coupla weeks ago! :^/

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