On Sat 08 May 04,  7:25 PM, Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> On Saturday 08 May 2004 04:25 pm, Trevor M. Lango wrote:
> ...
> > > I am not as enamored of the hyperthreading P-4's as some
> > > are.  The performace benefit is marginal (15% or so), and
> > > Linux will recognize it as a dual CPU which makes things a
> > > bit more complicated.
> [the above by me]
> > How is it complicated? I have a P4 w/HT - works great! - what is
> > complicated about that?
> Internally, multiprocessing is more complex than
> uniprocessing.  So there's a greater probability of bugs.
> Of course this is not specific to Linux.
> -- Rod

not running a 2.6 kernel, so maybe it has changed.  but there have always
been issues with acpi and smp.


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