On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 11:27:57AM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> Quoting Brian Lavender ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I am doing a talk on integrating SpamAssassin at the SMTP layer. The
> > implementation is SA-Exim. http://www.saclug.org/
> Hi, Brian!  Man, I want to drive up and hear that.  In case it helps,
> here's something that works beautifully with Exim4 and SA-Exim:
> http://www.jcdigita.com/eximconfig/
> It's a very extensive prebuilt set of Exim4 / Exiscan / SA-Exim / ClamAV
> / spfd configuration, ACL, and rc files.  Not installed here, since I'd 
> already painfully configured my own SA-Exim setup before discovering the
> Eximconfig site.
> I recall that you're doing all this on Debian 3.0 "woody".  Might make
> things easier for you, generally (esp. w/r/t dependencies) if you
> switched to "sarge", but I salute your spirit in sticking to woody.

My first test was with Debian unstable, but with a mail server, I think
I want to run Debian stable. That's why I wrote a script that will
automatically install SA-Exim. Here it is. I don't know why, but I had
to fish out the dependencies for SpamAssassin for the whole thing to go


# Fri Jun 18 04:31:14 PDT 2004
# Automatic script to get SA-Exim running on Debian stable.
# Warning. This script uses specific Debian package repositories
# that may change. Use at your own risk.
# Brian E. Lavender

if [ "$EUID" != "0" ]                                                           
        echo "This script must be run as root!!"


grep -q unstable $sources

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
   echo "deb-src http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian/ unstable main" >> $sources

grep -q ametzler $sources

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
        cat << __END__ >> $sources
### Andreas Metzler's Exim v4 packages, backported from sid 
deb http://www.logic.univie.ac.at/~ametzler/debian/exim4manpages/ woody/
deb http://www.logic.univie.ac.at/~ametzler/debian/gnutls/ woody/

apt-get update

set -e

dpkg --set-selections << __END_SELECTIONS__
fakeroot                install
debconf-utils           install
html2text               install
debhelper               install
libdigest-hmac-perl     install
libdigest-md5-perl      install
libdigest-sha1-perl     install
libnet-perl             install
liburi-perl             install
libmime-base64-perl     install
libmailtools-perl       install
libtime-hires-perl      install
libtimedate-perl        install
libhtml-parser-perl     install
libhtml-tagset-perl     install
libssl-dev              install
libnet-dns-perl         install
libtest-simple-perl     install
exim                    purge
exim4                   install
exim4-base              install
exim4-config            install
exim4-daemon-light      install
libgnutls10             install
libasn1                 install
libgnutls7              install
libgcrypt1              install
libgcrypt7              install
liblzo1                 install
libpth14                install
libopencdk4             install
libopencdk8             install
libtasn1-0              install
libtasn1-2              install

apt-get -y dselect-upgrade 

while read package
apt-get source $package
pushd ${package}-*
fakeroot debian/rules binary
dpkg -i ${package}*.deb
done << __END__ 

apt-get source spamassassin

pushd spamassassin*
fakeroot debian/rules binary

dpkg -i spamc*.deb
dpkg -i spamassassin*.deb

apt-get source sa-exim

pushd sa-exim-*/debian

cat << __END__ > control
Source: sa-exim
Section: mail
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Sander Smeenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: lynx, debhelper (>= 4.1.16)
Standards-Version: 3.5.10

Package: sa-exim
Architecture: any
Depends: exim4-daemon-light (>>4.30-1) | exim4-daemon-heavy (>>4.30-1) | 
exim4-daemon-custom (>>4.30-1), spamc | spamassassin (<<2.30-2), ${shlibs:Depends}, 
debconf (>= 1.0.0)
Description: Use spamAssassin at SMTP time with the Exim v4 MTA
 SA-Exim lets you use spamAssassin at SMTP time with the Exim
 v4 MTA, which enables you to do many things with incoming Emails,
 including refusing them before they come in, or even teergrubing the
 sender (i.e. slowing him down, by tying his resources)
 Homepage: http://marc.merlins.org/linux/exim/sa.html


pushd sa-exim*
fakeroot debian/rules binary

dpkg -i sa-exim*.deb

cat << __END__ > /etc/default/spamassassin 
# /etc/default/spamd.conf
# Duncan Findlay

# WARNING read README.spamd before using.  THERE ARE SECURITY RISKS!

# Change to one to enable spamd

# Options
# See man spamd for possible options. The -d option is automatically added.
OPTIONS="-c -m 10 -a -H"

# Set nice level of spamd
#NICE="--nicelevel 15"

/etc/init.d/spamassassin restart

perl -pi~ -e 's/^SAEximRunCond: 0/SAEximRunCond: 1/' /etc/exim4/sa-exim.conf

echo "Run dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config and use small config files"
echo "Then reload exim4 with the following command"
echo "/etc/init.d/exim4 reload"

Brian Lavender
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