On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 19:10:49PM -0700, Lewis Perdue wrote:
> Back when our server was originally cracked, someone suggested that we look 
> at tripwire to monitor things once we had a clean install ... well, we've 
> got a clean install, but our investigation of Tripwire shows a GIANT 
> corporate Dilbert empire with layer upon layer of obfuscation and a set of 
> sticky hurdles to clear before even getting an evaluation unit ... they 
> boast of being able to monitor 2,500 servers, but Geez, folks how about 
> something for one or two servers?
> Isn't there an open-source alternative for this bloatware poster child? 
> Even something that does a simple checksum kinda thing on key system and 
> .conf files would be welcome.

Just to add a little more info to Rod's post, what you most likely
stumbled upon is Tripwire, Inc. (www.tripwire.com). What you're looking
for is the open source Tripwire software at www.tripwire.org, which is
originally developed and supported by Tripwire, Inc. (by the way, if you
google "tripwire" those are links one and two respectively.)
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