Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
On Wed 21 Jul 04,  8:15 AM, Dave Margolis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Henry House wrote:

På tisdag, 20 juli 2004, skrev Dave Margolis:


If I remember correctly from some other thread, Margo lives across the street from where I work (CSUS). If she's got a laptop, she can run over and see me - and at an actual helpdesk!

I wouldn't be able to leave anytime soon or help her after work tonight, but if she can come over here tomorrow morning...

Happen to know what kind of machine she has? Should I call her, or wait and see if someone else can help her today?

If you do help her on behalf of LUGOD, please be sure to use the LERT
Release form. Thanks.

well I gave her a call just to see if i could point her in the right direction. she's using some kind of mini-distribution that runs off a floppy disk (i don't recall the name). the nature of her problem is a little beyond me as she's trying to run ppp via manually configured chat scripts.

i asked her if she could use wvdial (and also mentioned that kppp is really easy), but she doesn't have the ability to run those types of programs as long as she's using the floppy distro, which she plans on using until she's ready to do a regular linux install. "ready" means making a successful backup of her dos partition.

she had the ppp howto in front of her and i reminded her to check file permissions/ownership in /etc/ppp which she had already done.

i defer this one to anybody who's more familiar with "manual" ppp.


that's how i used to use ppp -- using chat scripts.  way before KDE ever
came out.  ;)  but i'm a little far away...

dave, when you say floppy distribution, are you being literal about the
word "floppy"?  i haven't played with a modem for years, but wouldn't be
the least surprised if knoppix did a good job in making modem
connections.  they've done a good job in all other areas!

i'm picturing her using tom's rescue floppy.  if she's unwilling to
"upgrade" to a CD based distro, then, well...

even better, she can turn her system into a real debian based system
using knoppix as well; no muss, no fuss!


I did advise her that there are more modern ways to "try" Linux without effecting one's hard-drive. She seemed very commited to the floppy distro (and yes from what I could tell she was running it from a floppy).

She says her eventual plan is to install Gentoo, and she seems to have her various howto documents and plan of attack in order.

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