Bill Kendrick said:
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 01:58:45PM -0700, Richard Crawford wrote:
>> A user came to me today and told me that he was unable to open or edit
>> a couple of his files.  I went in to look and saw that the permissions
>> on the files in question were set to 000, so that the directory entry
>> looked like this:
>> ---------- 1 joe webdev 152 Aug 13 15:27 img1.jpg
>> ---------- 1 joe webdev 152 Aug 13 15:28 img2.jpg
>> I went ahead and reset the permissions to 766 but I'm puzzled as to
>> what could have caused this change to happen in the first place.
> Err, shouldn't that be "644" or "664" for these files?
> 766 would mean:
>   Owner: Read/Write/Exec
>   Group: Read/Write
>   Other: Read/Write
> Exec doesn't make much sense for a JPEG.  And Read/Write for Other is
> probably not a good idea.  For Group, it depends on if others in
> 'webdev' want to be able to edit the file (which I'm guessing is true).
> I'd also check the permissions of the directories these files are in
> ("ls -ld .")
> Sensible permissions would be 755, 775, 700, or 770, depending on the
> situation.  (The first two make sense for stuff you want people to see
> over the web, so that your webserver process can read them.  The second
> two make sense for more private stuff.  And, as before, the group
> permissions depend on the situation, and the group ownership of the
> file/dir in question.)
> Hope I'm not telling you a bunch of junk you already know, simply due to
> a typo, or something. ;)

Heh.  Yeah, my brain was elsewhere.  I'm using 775.

I'm still curious as to why the permissions were mysteriously changed.

Richard S. Crawford (AIM: Buffalo2K)
"You cannot trust your judgement if your imagination is out of focus." 
--Mark Twain

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