On Monday 23 August 2004 09:39 am, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 09:19:49AM -0700, Ken Herron wrote:
> > The link in question isn't a normal href; it launches some javascript 
> > which explicitly opens the document in a new window. FF doesn't yet have 
> > a feature to convert windows opened from javascript into tabs, 
> > unfortunately.
> I'm curious as to why people (1) insist on making links open in new windows
> these days (what with middle-click opening in new tabs and windows when
> the /user/ wants them to), 

Dunno about others, but in web applications I'll often use a
new window like a "dialog" that works with context in the
parent window.  It might even modify that window's contents
on-the-fly.  In this case it's not acceptable to open the
link in the same window.

> and (2) continue to use Javascript to do this 
> junk when there's a perfectly good HTML attribute ('target="_new"') that
> you can give an <a href> tag.

<a href> does not support submitting a form (using the POST
method) without involving JavaScript.  In other words, it is
sometimes desirable to treat a text hyperlink as a "submit"

-- Rod
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