On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 09:47:19PM -0700, David Siedband wrote:
> I'm interested in setting up a VPN server and I'm looking for 
> recommendations for which daemon to use.  The two potential host 
> machines are on static IPs and running Debian (woody) and OpenBSD.  I'm 
> considering KAME snap and OpenS/WAN, though I'd be open to considering 
> other options.  I need to be able to connect from clients on Debian and 
> OS X using nonproprietary clients...
> Anyone have recommendations for which daemon to use?  Links to peep 
> before I dive into this?

I'm parital to vtun for linux to linux vpns personally.  Been using it for
a year or two, it's simple and functional.  If you have the TUN driver in
your kernel you don't have to install or recompile another kernel.  vtun
itself has very poor security, so I usually tunnel it through a tcp tunnel
on an ssh connection.  If you want long running persistance (always up),
add daemontools to the mix and have it keep the ssh and vtund up.

This doesn't meet every need though... and for the general case vpn need,
I use the MPPE/MPPC extensions to get a PPTP (eg microsoft vpn) server on
a linux box.  Very easy, see http://www.polbox.com/h/hs001/.

That's what I'm familiar with, I'm interested to hear other's experiece
with other tools.

Ted Deppner
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