On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 00:18:13 -0700
Bill Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 12:06:12AM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> <snip>
> >   - WinXP local login is 21 seconds to show desktop, and 40 seconds
> >     before login-time processes have all launched.
> Tell me about it.  Many a morning, I walk into the office, hit the
> power button, and then hit the restroom or go get a coffee.  A fast
> laptop running XP is frustratingly slow to boot compared to even KDE
> on my slow desktop!
> The fastest I've seen any time lately has been a basic WindowMaker or
> IceWM launch.  It's insane!
> But, as an app-lover, I've come accustom to Konqueror and the rest of
> KDE, so I live with the slower login process.  It's not like I _ever_
> log out of my Linux box.  I just lock the screen and turn off the
> monitor. :^)
> <snip>
> > The other question is:  how often are you logging in?  My current
> > uptime is ~140+ days, and I think I've restarted X less than a
> > handful of times in that interval.  Incidentally, APM restore's
> > going to take > 10 seconds in all likelihood, though less time than
> > a full boot.
> My uptime is 26 days, but that was probably when I moved my desk from
> Davis and had to disassemble and reassemble all my computer bits. :^)
> And damn!... I've been logged in to X-Window / KDE almost as long!
> USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
>   kendrick :0       -                01Sep04 ?xdm?   3days  0.06s -:0
> <snip>
> > Additionally, a reinstallation is *NOT* necessary for you to get the
> > system you want.
> Especially when it comes to situations like: "it installed more than I
> needed"'apt-get install debfoster' and run it, and you can fairly
> easily cull your system.  (Just have another window open to do
> 'apt-cache show [packagename]' to double-check what unrecognized
> packages are :^) )

There's a key you can hit *in* debfoster to do that.

/me runs debfoster now

It's the '?' key.

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