On Mon 04 Oct 04,  8:13 AM, Hans W. Uhlig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Ok Ive got a laptop with bad mice and I need to be
> able to swap out to an external usb mouse. X doesent
> want to see it without me booting with it in

this can't be correct.  X will work perfectly even with no mouse.

the key is what you specify here:

Section "ServerLayout"
   Identifier  "Default Layout"
   Screen      "Default Screen"
   InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
   InputDevice "Generic Mouse"

if you simply want to ignore the built in mouse, don't make reference to it.
in your "generic mouse" inputdevice entry (or whatever you call it) make
reference to /dev/input/mice (or whatever it is on your system) instead of
/dev/psaux (or whatever it is on your system)

> and then
> the internal mouse go haywire(They still work on
> occasion but they are dyeing.)

sounds like what happens when two applications read from the same device

> how can I turn off one
> mouse and turn on another in X. Ive been looking but I
> cant seem to find it and xsetmouse doesent seem to
> have any function other then listing my config file.
as mentioned before, remove all reference to /dev/psaux in you XF86Config,
and just have one inputdevice entry using driver "mouse" and  device


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