If a session is still attached according to the system, you can try to
issue a remote detatch:
(new shell, login from a non-screen session on the box)
$ screen -d

Another option is to try a force re-attach with "-R" (includes existing
attached sessions as wells as ones which are detatched.)
$ screen -R

If screen -l shows the sessions, or there are multiple sessions, you can
attach to a session by its ID.

If you noticed that screen still does not work, then you should note that
screen user should be able to write to /tmp for socket space (assuming
insecure /tmp space writing.) In your case, you state that your session
info for screens are stored in your own home directory. You may want to
check to see if the SUID bit on screen has been altered, or if an upgrade
of screen 9while it as running) caused the new version to search /tmp
instead of ~/.screen, (etc.)

Hopefully, one of these above will help.


Peter Jay Salzman said:
> There's a bunch of computers that have NFS mounted /home.  I log into
> these
> computers to run simulations.  In the past, I've used screen to leave a
> job
> running and come back to it a few days later to check up on the output.
> The screen sessions are saved in $HOME/.screen.  Typical socket:
>    kusch$ ls -la .screen/
>    total 8.0K
>    drwx------    2 psalzman g96          4.0K Oct 31 20:36 ./
>    drwx------   32 psalzman g96          4.0K Oct 31 20:36 ../
>    prwx------    1 psalzman g96             0 Oct 31 20:37
> 6991.pts-13.kusch|
> Recently, I've been having trouble reattaching to the sessions.  Here's a
> pretty typical example.  I wrote a small perl script to keep writing
> incrementing numbers to a file so I can see if the session is actually
> running:
>    kusch$ screen                           (1)
>    [detached]                              (2)
>    kusch$ screen -r                        (3)
>    [detached]                              (4)
>    kusch$ screen -r                        (5)
>    There is a screen on:                   (6)
>            7197.pts-13.kusch  (Attached)
>    There is no screen to be resumed.
>    kusch$
> (1) Screen is started and the script (not shown here) is started.
> (2) Second, I detached the screen session with ctl-a/d
> (3) Third, I successfully reattached to it.
> (4) Fourth, I detached from it again.
> (5) Then I ATTEMPTED to reattach, only to be told that there's no screen
>    to be resumed.
> The perl script is still running, so the session is still "alive",, but
> for
> some reason, I can't reattach to the session (despite the fact that I JUST
> attached to it a few seconds ago).
> Why all of a sudden I can reattach to the session?
> Why does screen insist that the session is current attached?  According to
> line (4), it should be detached.
> Is there a way to reattach to this session?
> Thanks!
> Pete
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