I used to host about 12 clients by reselling CIHost shared accts, now I have my own dedicated server (at 1and1.com) and have been moving clients to it over the past few months. CIHost claims nightly backups, but when a drive failed there a couple of weeks ago, the most recent backup they had was 9 months old. My best customers were still on that drive and were quite pissed off! <insert long boring rant here> So now I am setting up a backup regime on my dedicated server.

I'm buying the backup server from 1and1, and it is accessible only by logging in from my root server. There's no bandwidth charge for ftping on their internal network. I guess I will use tar to create a local archive on the root server, then ftp the compressed archive to the backup server. I'm assuming I can automate this with bash scripts and cron.

Basically, I want to be as all-inclusive as I can, so if my HD fails there will be as little interuption as possible. So I thought I would include everything *except* certain directories. The root server is RH9/apache. What are the obvious directories to exclude from backing up? And is this basically a sound backup plan?

 Jack LaPlante

 Pyroglyph Inc.

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        For the Digital Age
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