On Wednesday 24 November 2004 10:20, Mitch Patenaude wrote:
> On Nov 24, 2004, at 10:15 AM, Mitch Patenaude wrote:
> > perl -pi.orig -e 's/h.(.*?).([Jj][Pp][Gg])/$1.h.$2/g;' *.html
> oops.. that should be
>    perl -pi.orig -e 's/h\.(.*?)\.([Jj][Pp][Gg])/$1.h.$2/g;' *.html

Absolutely perfect!  Thanks!

> (forgot to escape the literal periods.  This is why my mom detests
> regex... it ends up looking an awful lot like old serial line noise.
> ;-)
>    -- Mitch
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