On Saturday 11 December 2004 18:24, Ken Bloom wrote:

> Here's an fstab entry I have on 2.6:
> /dev/hda6       /home/bloom/vfat vfat
> defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=177,dmask=077 0 2
> Note that in a real fstab file, that would all be on one line.
> This gives me rw------- on files and rwx------ on directories. Note that
> you need x on directories in order to cd to them

I might try an entry like that.  But consider the entry below for my home 

/dev/hdb7            /home                reiserfs   acl,user_xattr        1 2

I don't know what "acl,user_xattr" means.  But what if I added that entry to 
my Windows partition.  Do you think that would work without ruining 

Thank you.


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