On Fri, 17 Dec 2004, Trevor M. Lango wrote:

> I am working on a cdrom 'snapshot' of a website I help
> maintain for use at demos where there is no network
> access.
> Practically every page uses server side includes.
> I need to scan through an html file for expressions of
> the following format:
>   <!--
>    #include virtual=
>    "relative_path_to_file/filename"
>   -->
> and replace the expression:
>   <!--
>    #include virtual=
>    "relative_path_to_file/filename"
>   -->
> with the contents of 'filename'.  I know how to use
> Perl to scan through a file for a specified regular
> expression and replace it (thank to an earlier post -
> you guys are awesome!) but I'm lost as to how to
> locate regular expressions of the given pattern,
> interpret a portion of it as the name of a file, then
> extract that file's content and replace the original
> expression...!?
> Perl, anyone...? ;-)

What is wrong with wget?

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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