På fredag, 17 december 2004, skrev Jay Strauss:
> Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> >Hi Jay,
> >
> >Question about Perl databases.  I want to write an application that uses a
> >db.  Never played with db before.  Ultimately, I want to write something 
> >that
> >creates a webpage using the db data.
> >
> >I also want people to be able to simply install my program without worrying
> >about installing other software, like msql or postgresql.
> >
> >When you use DBI, do you *have* to have a separate daemon-run database or 
> >is
> >there a Perl module that provides a backend to DBI?
> >
> >I'd rather use DBI because it's more convenient for complex data structures
> >and so I can use SQL, but if you need to install a database to use DBI, I
> >might try to make due with DBM.

I recommend looking into Sqlite (http://sqlite.org/), one of the options
that Jay mentioned. It is daemonless SQL database engine embedded in a C
library, which stores its databases in binary files. It is fast and easy to
manipulate via the Perl DBI.

Henry House
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