On Monday 20 December 2004 00:26, Mark K. Kim wrote:

Thanks to Bill, Swaine, and Mark.  I've got it working.  

There were only two hitches.
> Change the stuff after vfat to:
>   defaults,uid=1000,gid=win,fmask=117,dmask=007

The first hitch is that fmask had to be set to 107.
>   addgroup win
The second hitch was that my system did not recognize the addgroup command.  
It didn't even recognize the command when it was executed like this 

So I just went into SuSE's YAST.  All you do is create a new group and then 
put a check mark into the boxes next to the users you want to make part of 
the group.  So it was easy.

But the bottom line is that the win group now has read-write access to 

So thanks again.

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