On Thursday 30 December 2004 12:09 pm, Robert G. Scofield wrote:
> On Thursday 30 December 2004 11:21, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > On Thu 30 Dec 04, 11:11 AM, Robert G. Scofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > > 
> > If you run two distros, you probably want different home directories.
> >
> > If you wanted to "test" out a distro, there's no crime in making a single
> > partition system.  It's definitely not what you want to use for your "for
> > reals" system, but for the purposes of taking an OS out on a test drive,
> > it's perfectly reasonable to do.
> >
> How can you have two home directories?  For example these are the relevant 
> partitions on this system:
> /dev/hdb2 has SuSE 9.2
> /dev/hdb3 is the spare
> /dev/hdb7 is /home
> It seems like any new distro put into /dev/hdb3 will automatically 
> use /dev/hdb7 (which SuSE 9.2 is using), right?  Is there anyway to install a 
> new distro on /dev/hdb3 and have it use a /home on /dev/hdb3?

I would expect that to be the default.  If the new distro
does somehow figure out that you were using hdb7 for /home
and decides to make that the default, it should at least
give you a chance to override it.

-- Rod
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