On Thu 30 Dec 04,  2:15 PM, Ken Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2004 at 01:01:00PM -0800, Rick Moen wrote:
> > Quoting Nick Schmalenberger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > 
> > > If you haven't already gotten the Blackdown thing from where Rick Moen
> > > said, you could try getting the RPM of JDK from Sun and converting it to
> > > deb with alien, then installing it. It worked nicely for me and I now
> > > have v1.5 , although you may prefer the Blackdown one anyway because it
> > > is apparently more free and certainly easier to install and maintain
> > > with apt.
> > 
> > Just to clarify:  Since Blackdown's versions are an authorised port of 
> > Sun's software, they're under the same proprietary licence.
> Why do we need Blackdown's versions then if Sun offers downloads for
> Linux already?

>From Google "blackdown Sun java comparison linux":

1. http://www.magelang.com/faq/printablefaq.jsp?topic=Linux

Why are there two ports of J2SE for Linux (one from Blackdown, one from Sun)?
Location: http://www.jguru.com/faq/view.jsp?EID=47694
Created: May 11, 2000 Modified: 2000-05-21 17:02:35.591
Author: Alex Chaffee (http://www.jguru.com/guru/viewbio.jsp?EID=3)

According to Sun senior product manager Blake Connell, on a chat on the JDC:

Sun's port is a commercial grade port that is supported by Sun's technical
support programs. Our port is intended for customers who need the backing of
a commerical entity. The Blackdown port is a bit more leading edge (thread
support, multi-processors) and the Blackdown folks can rapidly respond with
changes and modifications and post them on their web site. Sun must run
through a detailed test matrix to release. 

Some recent comments from Sun suggest that Sun will...
Author: Nathan Meyers (http://www.jguru.com/guru/viewbio.jsp?EID=138686),
Oct 29, 2000
Some recent comments from Sun suggest that Sun will take primary ownership
of releasing future Linux JDK ports and Blackdown will concentrate on Linux
ports of extensions, such as audio, 3D, serial port, and such.

2. http://www.linuxworld.com/story/32610_p.htm

You needn't sweat the decision. Sun uses the code from Blackdown as the
basis for its SDK, so the two distributions are very similar. In some
respects, the Sun version is more complete, but Blackdown offers some extra
goodies you won't get from Sun, such as the Java Web Start utility (a way to
launch Java applications from a browser). King Solomon-like, I installed
both. I use Backdown's Java Web Start and Sun's SDK.

The mathematics of physics has become ever more abstract, rather than more
complicated.  The mind of God appears to be abstract but not complicated.
He also appears to like group theory.  --  Tony Zee's "Fearful Symmetry"

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