On Wed 05 Jan 05,  3:44 PM, Jay Strauss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> I need the newer version of perl (5.8.4 w/threads), I need the glibc in 
> "testing" for Oracle (Oracle 10 installs (almost) without hitch on 
> testing, but very difficult, impossible, on stable).  I'll install 
> apache2/mod_perl2 also.  Lastly I'd like to have subversion 1.1
> Currently, the testing branch, has all that I need, with the exception 
> of subversion v1.1 (which is currently in unstable).
> That said, I'm risk adverse and would like to be on the stable version, 
> for the duration.  So I'd like to stay a safe distance from bleeding 
> edge, but have all the above.

FWIW, the Linux kernel and the GNU glibc are the two most mission critical
things on your system.

> I thought the debian maintainers, at some point stop accepting changes 
> to testing, say "ok, this package set is now stable", and point 
> everything appropriately.
That's true.  But I believe it's the "release manager" who gets to make that
decision.  The developers are probably scrambling to release new packages
before the impending package freeze.

I *think* you're allowed to petition for a new package to be accepted after
the freeze, but you need a good reason like a vulnerability fix.

> What I thought I'd do is run testing until the day(s) that it becomes 
> stable, then make my box follow the stable tree.
If I understand it correctly, you want to point your sources to "sarge".
When sarge becomes stable, your system will become Debian/stable.


The mathematics of physics has become ever more abstract, rather than more
complicated.  The mind of God appears to be abstract but not complicated.
He also appears to like group theory.  --  Tony Zee's "Fearful Symmetry"

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