Thanks Rob

I think I tried  what you suggested a while back, by commenting out the line
in the XF86Config file, also xset -dpms, and should have mentioned that the
shell script also has the 'xset s off' line it and the monitors still go
blank. I might add the graphics board is a dual-headed FX5200 with the
Nvidia chip.  Wonder if that might have any effect?  Searched the Nvidia
site but saw nothing to shed light on the problem.

It's puzzling......

John  W

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "lugod's technical discussion forum" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] DPMS Problem?

> On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 07:56:14AM -0800, John Wojnaroski wrote:
> > I've been trying to disable the power down feature of my monitor with
> > success...
> >
> > Went over the BIOS (shuttle MO), disabled the power saving options,
> > XF86Config file contains the "Options DPMS" line (Nvidia card), added
> > line 'xset s noblank' to a shell script that starts the program. After
> > 15 minutes of zero activity the screen blanks
> >
> > What did a miss or forget to add?
> There are two things that control whether the screen goes dark, both of
> which you mentioned. First is the screensaver, which doesn't by default
> power down the monitor, but will make the screen go black. I don't think
> setting "xset s noblank" does anything for you, because I believe the
> default is to not blank the screen when the screensaver kicks in.  The
> other thing controlling screen blanking is DPMS. The "Options DPMS" line
> is turning DPMS on. Removing that line should fix your problem.
> But before you change that and restart X, you might want to just double
> check that the following fixes it for you. Try running
> xset -dpms
> which should turn DPMS off until X is restarted again.
> Also, even if the screensaver is set to noblank, it will still kick in
> and display whatever it's set pattern is (all black screen is default),
> without turning the monitor off, unless you turn the screensaver off.
> The way to do that is to run
> xset s off
> HTH,
> Rob
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