On Wednesday 12 January 2005 11:41, Rick Moen wrote:
> Don't sweat that.  It's there in case XFree86 attempts some stupid guess
> at your video memory amount that you _know_ to be wrong, in case you
> therefore wish to un-comment that line, to hit XFree86 with the Cluebat
> of Enlightenment.
Thanks.  And thanks for the other information.  And thanks to Ken and Pete.

I finally got X working.  I could never get XFree86 -configure to work.

I played around trying to "apt-get" servers, and was told I could try 3 or 4 
different ones.  So I ended up with xserver-xfree86.  That prompted me for 
the writing of a new config file.  I put in the wrong mouse info (stupidly 
copying SuSE entries), but managed to correct it.  Then I got an error 
message about fonts.  But Debian told me what font packages to apt-get.  And 
after I got those packages, X started.

Now I've got to set up KDE.  I downloaded it the other night, but it seems not 
to be here anymore.  Apt and Aptitude, or whatever it is, plays around with 
packages, removing "unused" ones, etc.  So I'll download KDE again, and read 
about how to set it up.  I think the hardest part is over with.

Thanks again.


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