On Thursday 20 January 2005 10:11, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> Robert G. Scofield said:
> That's a cool story.  I was never able to get WP8 to work for Linux (and
> finally just gave up, even after spending $130 on it), though I really
> wanted to; WP was always my favorite word processor (OOo is decent, but
> doesn't have the One True Feature -- "reveal codes" -- that made WP such a
> superior product).

Reveal Codes is always getting me out of a jam.  It helped me this week on a 
job application based on a Word Perfect form.  It's amazing that not every 
word processor has Reveal Codes.

The $130 version was Word Perfect 9, a crummy wine based version.  WP 8 for 
Linux was Linux based, $50, and one of the two best word processors I've ever 
known.  (The other was Word Perfect 5.1 for DOS.)

Rick Moen, one of the country's two leading experts in this area, can explain: 
(1) why you couldn't get WP 9 to work; (2) *anything* else you want to know 
about Word Perfect and Linux.

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