There are two things that should be simple and standardized in linux, but definitely are not: sound and printing! Both are getting better if you know what to do...

From my experience, cups is the way to go for printing. I highly recommend the web interface for configuring, testing, and troubleshooting. There are other guis available for running cups, but they don't always work correctly. The web interface is often the same across most distros and usually works. So if you haven't already, put localhost:631 in your browser's location bar. If the cups daemon is running, you should get a menu to start working CUPS. If you have a printer correctly installed, clicking on the "print test page" for that printer should give you a nice CUPS test page.


Robert G. Scofield wrote:
I've done a Sarge net install three times now, and it's quite an experience. I get a different set of packages even when I choose the same stuff to download. I don't have sound and I can't print. But I've got some stuff to read on sound, and will try to take care of that on my own. But the printing is a mystery.

I can't print from the GUI (Gnome in this case.) At first I could print from the command line using the command "lpr." But after downloading the Cups packages "lpr" would not work. What would work from the command line was "lpr -l."

Later nothing would print at all from the command line or GUI. Then still ater when I would print from the GUI I'd get this: "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (attend) %%Creator: OpenOffice." That message would be followed by either a bunch of gibberish followed by blank pages, or just by the blank pages.

Now, for some reason, I am unable to print anything. I can't print from the command line or the GUI. I've also downloaded all the foomatic packages I can find.

So does anybody have any ideas as to what I might do?

Thank you.

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