On Thu 03 Feb 05,  5:30 AM, Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > Yes, but in the same kind of way that 16 year old McDonalds employees spit
> > into the hamburgers (or worse).
> >
> > It's probably VERY rare.
> >
> > The statistics are such that it would (probably) NEVER happen to you.
> I doubt that it's as rare as you seem to think.

I doubt that employees spitting in hamburgers is as rare as YOU think.

No, just kidding.  :)

However, I was not just considering corporate email, but all email.  Bob was
worried about *anybody* reading his email, and his email comes to him via a
very large ISP.

And so, when you consider the number of man-reading hours of email versus
the number of man-writing hours, then I believe it IS as rare as I seem to

Spook organizations have a similar problem.  It's called data mining.  The
world generates too much data to sift reliably and timely.


The mathematics of physics has become ever more abstract, rather than more
complicated.  The mind of God appears to be abstract but not complicated.
He also appears to like group theory.  --  Tony Zee's "Fearful Symmetry"

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