On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:36:02 -0800, "Josh Parsons"
> On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 20:23 -0800, Nick Schmalenberger wrote:
> > Thanks. But how come hdparm -g on my working disks gives the CHS specs,
> > not LBA then?
> Sorry, I've lost your original post. What output did you get from hdparm
> -g on your system? It will always be some disk geometry in C/H/S format
> - just a rather meaningless one.
On my working disks, hdparm -g gives cylinders>1024, and 15 or 16 heads.
 I know that this too is a logical address scheme as is LBA, but it is
also what is printed on the drives label. As I understand LBA, LBA mode
addreses will never have more than 1024 cylinders. On my laptop, hdparm
-g says 50k some cylinders (I'm at school now so I can't look and see), 
but sfdisk says that my partitions look like they were created in
LBA mode but are now in normal mode and so are going to be treated as if
they were in LBA mode. 

BTW, hdparm -g still says 240 heads (large address mode, not LBA), but
fdisk says 129 heads or something and I can't mount my root partition
anymore either. I think that maybe if I was playing around with the
partitions while the BIOS was in the wrong mode relative to when they
were created or something, I was screwing things up worse. It is okay
though, because I didn't really have too much important data on this
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